IBBY Pakistan, established 2006, is the national chapter of IBBY, the International Board on Books for Young People.

In keeping with IBBY’s global mission, we, under the aegis of our founding member, the Alif Laila Book Bus Society, have worked for almost two decades to provide children across Pakistan, access to the best books being produced internationally. Thus far, we have focused our efforts primarily on reaching out to children in remote areas and marginalized communities. Leveraging Alif Laila’s network and access, we sent books across the country, on camels, in boats and in boxes. The IBBY Children in Crisis fund supported the creation of a national network of small libraries. A generous donation from the IBBY Yamada fund made it possible for us set to up libraries in madrassas and in flood affected areas.

While these efforts will, of course, continue we are extending the scope of our work to encouraging the production of quality children’s books in Pakistan. We aim to build a national community of authors, illustrators, librarians and publishers. IBBY Pakistan will provide what support and training we can, help establish international collaborations, and create a platform where like-minded people from across the country can convene, build connections, and grow.